Policy & Fees

Fees and attendance

  • Tuition varies according to type and length of the lesson. See the registration form for prices.
  • There is a one-time $50.00 registration fee per family.
  • Tuition is paid monthly, and is due at the first lesson of the month in order for instruction to continue. If the studio does not receive payment prior to instruction, it will be assumed that the student is not returning, and the student may forfeit his/her lesson slot.

With freedom comes responsibility: Students at the Salisbury School of Music are free to chose a lesson day and time that works best for them and their music teachers. That lesson slot will then remain the same each week. This is necessary to avoid schedule conflicts at the studio. If at some point that lesson time becomes impossible for the student, the studio management will attempt to find another lesson time, but we cannot guarantee that this will be possible. Note: Changes in lesson times are permanent changes, not “for a week or two.” If a vacation, holiday or similar reason makes it impossible for a student to attend his or her lesson for a short amount of time, the student must continue to pay for that lesson to reserve the time slot.

Your time ends where another student’s begins: Due to tight scheduling at the Salisbury School of Music, it is important for students to arrive on time to start their lessons since the lessons must also end on time.

You snooze, you lose: There are no refunds for absences, and students pay for their reserved time even if they do not attend. This policy applies to the months of January – May and September – November. However: The monthly charge rule does not apply during June, July, August, and December. During those months, music students may choose the weeks they will attend, but payment in advance is still required.

Make-up lessons? It depends: Locally based teachers will grant one make-up lesson per quarter (3 months), but only if the teacher is told in advance that the student is not coming for a specific lesson. Students may not request a make-up lesson after the fact. Teachers who travel to the Salisbury School of Music from out-of-town do not provide make up lessons.

If a music teacher must miss a lesson for some reason (illness, inclement weather, or performance obligations), his or her student(s) will be notified in advance. If payment has already been made for that lesson, the student will receive a refund. Or: Students of locally based music teachers may choose a make-up time instead of a refund. (Note: This will not count as the quarterly make-up mentioned above.)

Studio closings for holidays will be posted in advance. We will not charge for music lessons that fall on any of these posted days.

If public schools are closed does that mean music classes are automatically closed? No. Repeat: No. If schools are closed due to inclement weather, this does not necessarily mean music classes are cancelled. If a music teacher is unable to attend the class due to weather conditions, his or her student(s) will be notified and the lesson will be made up or the fee refunded. If the instructor is able to come to the studio, lessons will be held.

There will be a $25 fee for returned checks. Students must pay this fee plus the amount of the returned check before lessons will resume.

The Salisbury School of Music reserves the right to cancel music classes with insufficient registration. Refunds will be given if this is necessary. We also reserve the right to discontinue a student for non-payment of fees or disruptive behavior.

Class Materials

Tuition does not include printed materials. Students may buy books and sheet music through the Salisbury School of Music or from any music retail outlet. Your instructor will let you know what books, etc. you will need.

For more information or to enroll, contact Marc Hoffman, Artistic Director, (704) 640-6564, or Marc Hoffman.

213 S. Main Street, in Salisbury, NC 28144 | ssm@marchoffman.com | 704.640.6564